Stefi Rosca

👩‍💻 Frontend Developer, 🌍 traveler and⛷️ Skier

Recurse Center Alumn

Posts tagged with "newsletter"

🎯 Stefi’s Shorts #11 - Be kinder

Dear friends, One of my goals this year is to be kinder. At first, I thought it could just be: “Be kind”. Then I thought I was already trying to be kind day in and out. The actual challenge would be to go one step further. I see so many people that are mean…

🏅 Stefi’s Shorts #10 - Do it anyways

Dear friends, Welcome to edition 10! A great milestone 🥳  Sitting down and writing this every week hasn’t been easy. It’s now that I understand that when you get started you might have a lot of ideas, excitement, and energy. Keeping at it and showing up is…

🦁  Stefi’s Shorts #9 - the person you are

Dear friends, This week, while sorting through some old notes, I stumbled upon a quote from Grey’s Anatomy that I want to share with you all: On average, our hearts beat 70 times per minute. In the same 60-second period, we blink between 10 and 15 times…

🦎 Stefi’s Shorts #8 - find your home

Dear friends, Another week has passed, and I’m starting to slowly notice the signs of Spring with trees starting to blossom, which I do enjoy. I’ve been diving into "Building a Second Brain" by Tiago Forte , and what an insightful book on note-taking this is…

🇬🇧 Stefi’s Shorts #7 - read more

Dear friends, This week I got to see my favorite singer, Ryan who sings under the name of Sleeping at Last, perform live and it has been such a filling experience. I randomly discovered Ryan through Grey’s Anatomy. When shazaming the song played it took me to…

👟 Stefi’s Shorts #6 - the extra mile

Dear friends, This week has flown by. Last Thursday I felt something odd with my stomach and went to bed earlier but didn’t rest at all. On Friday I pushed through until midday and then went to bed early. Took me about 2 days to get back to feeling better…

🔨 Stefi’s Shorts #5 - patience and consistency

Dear friends, Welcome to the 5th edition of my newsletter! 5 weeks in, I can’t believe it! Now it’s time to figure out how to make it an actual newsletter where people can subscribe via email. Since my twenties, I've always dreamed of becoming a YouTuber. This…

⏳ Stefi’s Shorts #4 - Protect your time

Dear friends, I’ve realized that Friday isn't the best day for sending out a newsletter. If I don’t have time to finish it in the morning I end up spending my evening on it and this doesn’t align with my weekly plan given Friday evenings are reserved to spend…

🎾 Stefi’s Shorts #3 - Do it for yourself

Dear friends, This hasn’t been an easy week but it’s ending well which is the important part. Sometimes luck is on your side, don’t take that for granted. A few weeks ago I read the book Inner Game of Tennis . This was quite a random choice as I only played…

🇵🇹 Stefi’s Shorts #2 - On taking risks

Dear friends, This week, I had the opportunity to participate in a company offsite in Lisbon, Portugal. As an introvert, meeting everyone initially felt a bit overwhelming, especially since we operate as a remote company. However, I found myself genuinely…

🌱 Stefi’s Shorts #1 - Just get started

Dear friends, The past weekend I was listening to a Ali Abdaal’s Deep Dive podcast episode Someday Is Today: Achieve Your Goals And Live Without Regret - Matthew Dicks and in this conversation, Matthew mentioned that from his experience coaching people…

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